Hello, welcome to our FAQs.
How many years experience do you have?
Between us (Hannah & Lewis) we have circa 30 years collective experience with antiques.
Will you travel further than the 60 minute radius specified?
Yes, we will. The reason for the distance is that it imports additional costs and it can sometimes be financially beneficial for a customer to use a local service.
I’ve noticed you sell a lot of smoking pipes, why?
We are a parent company to another business for an area we also love - www.lastchancepipesandcigars.com - a website specialising in prestigious estate pipes and aged, rare cigars.
What is an ‘Antique’?
Antiques are classified as items over 100 years in age.
Do You Wear Red Trousers or any Corduroy?
You’ll be disappointed to learn that we do not wear red trousers or own any corduroy. Nor do we wear cravats or jaunty little hats. We wouldn’t want to get bundled into a van by the BBC and thrown into an episode of Bargain Hunt.
I’ve Watched Salvage Hunters and I Disagree with a Valuation You’ve Made! Why? What is this all about?
This show like many others offers entertainment and we like that. However; it’s edited to appeal to a broad audience and isn’t truly representative of the antiques trade. The narrator seems to conveniently overlook basic overhead costs such as storage, fuel or even paying that driver chap a salary!
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Last Chance Antiques Ltd